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Effet mer

Available on all streaming platforms and for purchase on Amazon Music and Apple Music.



As a child, when asked what she wanted to be when she grew up, she would reply: "Jacqueline Maillan". A comedian through and through, Megane has always been a fan of Louis de Funès films and Les Robins des Bois comedy sketches, and she couldn't have ended up anywhere else but on stage. Theater, music, cinema, you name it! A hyperactive artist, perfectionist and passionate about her work, Megane is both a singer and an actress, from Normandy and Paris, and invites you to join her in a world full of all kinds of weirdness! 

Pétillante, colorée, acidulée, chanteuse atypique et engagée, elle entre sur scène comme on entre chez des amis : avec simplicité. Auteure, compositrice et interprète, son écriture délicate et sucrée nous parle de la vie : du monstre qui se cache sous notre lit, du temps qui file et de nos problèmes de trésorerie mais aussi de sujets plus profonds qui la touchent personnellement comme la santé mentale et le handicap invisible. Sa musique pop en français nous embarque dans un imaginaire aux multiples saveurs rempli d'histoires qui font sourire, qui font parfois peur mais qui nous touchent profondément. 


Lina Stalyte is a Franco-Lithuanian singer who blends her soul and jazz influences with Lithuanian vocals in her compositions, creating a new kind of neo-soul music that is sensitive, full of meaning and full of lightness...

On stage, his presence and solar energy irradiate the crowd in sets mixing acoustic and electronic music.

Alongside her EP Stalyte (2016), her latest album Summer Nights (2022) and regular single releases over the years, Lina recently took advantage of a remarkable appearance at Eurovision Lithuania to showcase her new compositions, always infused with jazz and soul.


Parisian rock band halfway between Superbus, Téléphone, Guns'n'roses and French. Namaspamus (pronounced "n'ammasse pas mousse" in tribute to the Rolling Stones) carries on the tradition of French rock bands who mix the fieriness of wild Anglo-Saxon music with highly written lyrics that express the thirst for life of these young Parisians.

Après un premier EP, Cacophonie, sorti en 2022 et plusieurs concerts en France et en Allemagne, le groupe sort trois nouveaux singles édités par Emulsion Productions en 2024 : Tête à l'envers, Ma vie n'est pas un film et Effet Mer.​​​ Ces titres illustrent la nouvelle direction artistique du groupe, résolument plus pop, plus rock-pop. Comme les titres de Cacophonie, ces morceaux sont actuellement proposés sur scène avec des arrangements originaux.

Dans la continuité de ce changement de DA, Namaspamus prépare de nouvelles sorties à venir en 2025.


Paul Pesty doesn't like to dance. He prefers to write love songs. Nostalgic, warm songs like a Super 8 film, whispered in the confidential delicacy of a guitar and voice solo performance. It is Elliott Smith who meets Dominique A in an Eric Rohmer film.

Born in Vernon, Normandy, his childhood spent in libraries gave him a taste for words, and the jazz he studied at the Conservatoire gave him an affection for writing and harmony. It was the discovery of recording that changed his artistic trajectory: he set up his home studio in the family home and, surrounded by fields and birds, recorded songs that soon took on the direction of his own. that soon took him in the direction of indie and low-fi music... low-fi... In French. 

EMULSION PRODUCTIONS offers Paul Pesty's shows to both occasional and professional programmers. Contact us for more information.

Copyright : Mahaut Leconte